How to Keep Your Dog’s Paws and Nails Healthy and Happy

How to Keep Your Dog’s Paws and Nails Healthy and Happy

Sep 13, 2023Admin Petterati

Hey there pet parents! We know you love your dog so much, and you want them to be comfortable and happy. Talking about comfort, have you ever thought about how much their paws and nails affect their well-being? Your dog’s paws and nails are more than just cute accessories like our nails. They are essential for their mobility, balance, and comfort. And they need proper care and attention to stay in good shape.

Learn some tips on how to care for your dog’s paws and nails, and why it is important to do so. We will also answer some common questions that dog owners have about paw and nail care. By the end of this blog, you will have a better understanding of how to keep your dog’s feet healthy and happy.

Why Paw and Nail Care For Dogs Matters?

Your dog’s paws and nails are constantly exposed to different surfaces, temperatures, and substances. They can easily get injured, irritated, or infected by foreign objects, chemicals, or parasites. Some of the common problems that can affect your dog’s paws and nails are: 

  • CRACKED OR DRY PAW PADS: This can happen due to extreme heat or cold, dry air, or rough surfaces. Cracked or dry paw pads can be painful and make your dog more prone to infections. 
  • OVERGROWN NAILS: This can happen due to lack of trimming or exercise. Overgrown nails can cause your dog’s toes to splay unnaturally, interfere with their walking, and cause pain or injury to their joints and tendons. 
  • INGROWN NAILS: This can happen when the nail grows into the paw pad or the skin around it. Ingrown nails can cause inflammation, infection, and bleeding. 
  • NAIL FUNGUS: This can happen due to moisture, dirt, or trauma. Nail fungus can cause discoloration, brittleness, or deformity of the nail. 
  • ALLERGIES: This can happen due to contact with certain plants, grasses, or substances. Allergies can cause itching, swelling, or redness of the paws. 

These problems can affect your dog’s quality of life and make them unhappy or uncomfortable. They can also lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. That’s why it is important to take good care of your dog’s paws and nails. 

Also Read: 5 Common Dog Behavioural Issues & solutions

How to Care for Your Dog’s Paws and Nails?

Caring for your dog’s paws and nails is not difficult or time-consuming. It just requires some regular attention and maintenance. Here are some simple steps that you can follow to keep your dog’s feet in tip-top shape: 

  • INSPECT YOUR DOG’S FEET DAILY: Check for any signs of injury, infection, or irritation on their paws and nails. Look for any dirt, debris, ice, or chemicals that might be stuck between their toes or pads. Use tweezers to gently remove any foreign objects. 
  • CLEAN YOUR DOG’S FEET REGULARLY: Wipe or wash your dog’s feet after they come in from outside. This will help remove any harmful substances that might harm their paws or nails. Use a mild soap and warm water, and dry them thoroughly afterwards. 
  • TRIM YOUR DOG’S NAILS REGULARLY: Use a nail clipper or grinder that is designed for dogs. Trim your dog’s nails every few weeks or as needed. Avoid cutting too close to the quick (the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves). If you are unsure how to trim your dog’s nails properly, ask a professional groomer or vet for guidance. 
  • MOISTURIZE YOUR DOG’S PAW PADS: Use a paw balm or lotion that is made for dogs. Apply it to your dog’s paw pads as needed to prevent them from cracking or drying out. Avoid using human moisturizers that might make their pads too soft or slippery. 
  • PROTECT YOUR DOG’S FEET FROM EXTREME WEATHER: Use booties or socks to protect your dog’s feet from hot pavement, snow, ice, or salt in the summer or winter. Alternatively, you can use a paw wax that creates a protective barrier on their pads. 
  • TREAT ANY PROBLEMS PROMPTLY: If you notice any signs of injury, infection, or irritation on your dog’s paws or nails, consult your vet as soon as possible. They will be able to diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. 


Also Read: How to care for your dog during Monsoon? 

Your dog’s paws and nails are important parts of their body that need proper care and attention. By following these tips, you can help prevent common problems that can affect your dog’s feet and make them unhappy or uncomfortable. You can also help improve your dog’s mobility, balance, and comfort. And you can show your dog how much you love them and care for them. 

We hope you found this blog helpful and informative. And don’t forget to share this blog with your fellow dog lovers. For more content on Pet care and Pet Training visit Petterati Blogs. 

(1) Dog Paw Care Tips and Paw Injuries Treatment - WebMD. 
(2) Paw care: Examine your dog's feet daily for debris, injuries. 
(3) Cutting a Dog Toenail That Has Curled Into Pad - Healthy Happy Dogs. 

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