Understanding Heat Cycles in Female Dogs & Essential Care Tips

Understanding Heat Cycles in Female Dogs & Essential Care Tips

Jun 30, 2023Admin Petterati

It's crucial to understand and address the unique needs of your female dog during her heat cycle. The heat cycle, also known as the estrous cycle, is a natural part of a dog's reproductive process. This phase can sometimes can leave you feeling a little perplexed and unsure about how to provide the best care. Especially this can become a bit intimidating if this is your first time raising a female dog. But worry not! By familiarizing yourself with the stages and behaviours associated with the heat cycle, you can provide the best possible care for your beloved pet. Explore essential healthcare tips to ensure the well-being and comfort of your dog during this natural phase. Remember, always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and guidance. 

What is Heat Cycle? 

The heat cycle is the reproductive cycle that female dogs experience. The length of a dog's heat cycle can vary, but it typically lasts between 7 and 14 days. The average length of a dog's heat cycle is about five to seven months, from the first signs of proestrus to the end of anestrus. Each phase of the heat cycle has its own set of symptoms and behaviors that can help you determine where your dog is in their cycle. Understanding the various stages of the heat cycle will help you navigate this process effectively. 

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The Four Stages of the Heat Cycle: 

a) Proestrus: This initial stage lasts for about 9-10 days on average. During proestrus, your dog's estrogen levels rise, causing her vulva to swell and emit a bloody discharge. She may also exhibit signs of increased urination and attract male dogs, although she won't be receptive to mating during this time.

b) Estrus: The estrus stage follows proestrus and usually lasts for 5-13 days. It is during this phase that your dog becomes sexually receptive and may actively seek out potential mates. The discharge may lighten, signalling that ovulation is imminent. If breeding is not intended, it's crucial to keep your dog away from intact male dogs during this period. 

c) Diestrus: Diestrus typically lasts for around 60-90 days. If mating has occurred, this stage marks the period of pregnancy. However, if breeding did not take place, your dog will experience a false pregnancy. During diestrus, your dog's hormones start to return to their normal levels, and she may exhibit nesting behaviours or lactation.

d) Anestrus: Anestrus is the resting phase of the heat cycle, lasting for approximately 4-5 months. During this stage, your dog's reproductive system takes a break before the cycle restarts. It is crucial to provide regular healthcare and maintain a balanced diet during anestrus to ensure your dog's overall well-being. 

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Essential Care Tips For Female Dogs During Heat Cycle 

  1. Signs and Behaviours to Watch for:

During the heat cycle, your dog may exhibit certain signs and behaviours that indicate her current stage. These can include swollen vulva, discharge from vulva, changes in appetite, increased urination, restlessness, mood swings, and increased attention from male dogs. Understanding these signals will help you provide the necessary care and attention your dog requires. 

  1. Maintain a Clean Environment:

Increased vaginal discharge during the heat cycle can make your dog more susceptible to infections. Ensure proper hygiene by regularly cleaning the genital area with a mild, dog-friendly cleanser recommended by your veterinarian. Avoid using harsh soaps or chemicals that may irritate the delicate skin. Make sure to use pet safe disinfectant to clean her toys and pet safe floor cleaner to clean her surroundings to make sure she is safe and healthy. 

  1. Providing Care and Comfort:

During your dog's heat cycle, it's essential to provide a safe and comfortable environment. Keep her indoors or in a secure, supervised area to prevent potential escape or encounters with male dogs. Maintain a clean-living space, especially around her genital area, try using disposable pet diapers that are sold in market specifically for dogs in heat and use dog-friendly cleansing products recommended by your veterinarian when required. 

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine:

Proper nutrition and regular exercise play a vital role in your dog's overall well-being, including during the heat cycle. Feed your dog a balanced, high-quality diet appropriate for her age, size, and breed. Engage in moderate exercise to help relieve stress, but avoid strenuous activities that could pose a risk to your dog's health. 

  1. Preventing Unintended Pregnancies:

If you don't plan to breed your dog, it is highly recommended to have her spayed before her first heat cycle. Spaying not only prevents unwanted pregnancies but also offers long-term health benefits and reduces the risk of certain reproductive diseases. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the ideal timing for spaying your dog. 

Benefits of Spaying: 

  • Spaying prevents the risk of cancer in the uterus, ovaries, and reproductive tract, as well as breast tumours. 
  • It protects the dog from uterine infections.
  • It eliminates the chance of an accidental pregnancy and reduces the number of unwanted litters in shelters and streets. 
  • It may reduce behaviours such as roaming, aggression, and marking. 


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  1. Seeking Veterinary Guidance:

Each dog is unique, and their heat cycle may vary slightly. Regular veterinary check-ups are vital for monitoring your dog's reproductive health and addressing any concerns or complications. Your veterinarian can provide personalized advice on managing the heat cycle and recommend appropriate preventive measures tailored to your dog's specific needs. 
By being aware of these stages, decoding the subtle signs, and embracing those sudden quirky behaviours, you'll embark on a special journey alongside your furry companion. Remember, this is where your superpower of observation comes into play! So, stay vigilant, be attuned to your dog's needs, and shower her with the care and attention she deserves during this time. 


  1. American Kennel Club: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeding/heat-cycle/ 
  2. The Spruce Pets: https://www.thesprucepets.com/the-heat-cycle-of-dogs-1118279 
  3. American Veterinary Medical Association: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/estrus-cycles-dogs 
  4. Dog Neutering and Spaying: Pros and Cons (Backed by Science). https://topdogtips.com/pros-and-cons-of-spaying-your-dog/. 
  5. Dog in Heat (Canine Estrus): Symptoms and Spaying - WebMD Pet Health Center. https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/how-tell-if-dogs-heat. 

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