Potty Training Puppies: Everything You Need To Know

Potty Training Puppies: Everything You Need To Know

Jul 04, 2023Admin Petterati

Potty training is a crucial milestone in raising a puppy. It is also one of the first challenges you'll face as a new puppy owner. However, potty training your puppy ensures a clean and hygienic living environment and strengthens the bond between you and your pup. Timing is the key here, once they enter adulthood it will be difficult to train them. So, learn these steps, tips and tricks for successful potty training and to make the process smoother for both you and your puppy 

What is the ideal age to begin potty training? 

Start potty training when your puppy is around 12 to 16 weeks old, as they have better bladder control and cognitive development at this stage. However, it's important to note that every puppy is different, and readiness for training can vary. 

Why is Potty Training Important? 

Potty training contributes to your puppy's overall development and your household's cleanliness. Here are some key reasons why potty training is essential: 

  • Promotes Cleanliness: Potty training teaches your puppy to eliminate in designated areas, prevent accidents and maintain a clean home. 
  • Establishes Good Habits: Consistent potty training instils proper elimination habits, helping your puppy understand where and when to go. 
  • Strengthens bond: Successful potty training requires time and patience, allowing you to build a stronger bond and better communication with your puppy. 

Also Read: Leash Training For Dogs 

Understanding the Basics of Potty Training 

Before diving into the training process, it's crucial to understand the basics of potty training. Puppies have small bladders and limited bowel control, which means they need to eliminate frequently. Potty training takes time and patience. It's crucial to set realistic expectations and understand that accidents may happen during the training process. Remember that every puppy learns at their own pace, so be patient and persistent in your training efforts. 

Also Read: Puppy Parenting – A Reassuring Guide For First Time Parents 

Step-by-step guide to potty train your puppy: 

Step 1: Establish a specific potty area 

  • Choose a specific spot in your yard or create an indoor area with puppy pads or artificial grass. 
  • Ensure it's easily accessible and consistent throughout the training process. 


Step 2: Set a consistent feeding schedule 

  • Establishing a regular feeding schedule for your puppy will help regulate their bathroom habits. 
  • Feed them at consistent times throughout the day, and avoid free-feeding. 
  • By controlling their food intake, you can anticipate when they will need to eliminate and establish a routine around those times. 


Step 3: Establish a consistent potty routine 

Take your puppy to the designated potty area: 

  • First thing in the morning 
  • After meals and water intake 
  • After playtime or naps 
  • Before bedtime 


Step 4: Use positive reinforcement: 

  • When your puppy eliminates in the designated potty area, praise them enthusiastically and offer treats as rewards. 
  • Consider using a clicker to mark the behaviour and reinforce the connection between the action and the reward. 
  • Avoid punishment or scolding, as it can confuse and frighten the puppy. 


Step 5: Monitor and supervise your puppy 

  • Keep a close eye on your puppy during the training phase to prevent accidents. 
  • Use a leash or confine them to a small, puppy-proofed area when you can't actively supervise. 
  • Watch for signs such as sniffing, circling, or restlessness, indicating that they need to eliminate. 
  • When you notice the signs mentioned above or at regular intervals, take your puppy to the designated potty area immediately. 
  • Be patient and give them time to sniff around and find the right spot. 


Step 6: Using Crate Training 

Crating can be a helpful way to manage your puppy's bathroom habits. 

  • Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, so a properly sized crate can encourage them to hold their bladder until they are taken outside. 
  • Gradually increase the time your puppy spends in the crate, and always ensure it is a positive and comfortable space. 
  • Crating should be used as a training tool, not a punishment. 


Step 7: Use a consistent command and reward system 

  • Use verbal cues like "Go potty" or "Do your business" to associate elimination with specific commands. 
  • Once they do so, provide immediate praise and rewards to reinforce the desired behaviour. 


Step 8: Clean up accidents properly 

During the initial stages of training, your puppy is still in the process of learning, so it is natural for them to cause accidents. 

  • Clean up accidents promptly using enzymatic cleaners to remove odours and discourage repeat accidents. 
  • Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, as they can resemble the smell of urine and may encourage your puppy to eliminate it inappropriately. 
  • Use pet-safe floor cleaner and surface disinfectants to make sure the floor is germ-free. 
  • Use a pet-friendly air freshener to deodorise the smell. 


Step 9: Gradually increase freedom and reinforce training 

As your puppy becomes consistent in using the designated potty area, gradually expand their freedom by allowing access to larger areas of the house. 

Also Read: 5 Ways Exercise Enhances Quality of Life In Dogs 

Tips For Troubleshooting Common Problems Faced While Potty Training Puppies

Regression and relapses 

It's common for puppies to experience regression or relapses during potty training. Remain patient, and consistent, and continue to reinforce positive behaviour. Revisit the basics of potty training and ensure you are following the established routine. With time and consistent reinforcement, your puppy will regain their training progress. 

Submissive Urination 

Some puppies may exhibit submissive urination, especially when they feel anxious or intimidated. Avoid scolding or making a fuss, as this can worsen the behaviour. Focus on building your puppy's confidence through positive reinforcement, calm interactions, and creating positive associations with potty training. 

Marking Behaviour 

Marking behaviour, where a puppy urinates to establish territory, can occur during potty training. Neutering or spaying, once they enter adulthood, can help reduce this behaviour. Additionally, closely supervise them indoors, redirect their attention to appropriate activities, and reinforce positive elimination behaviours in the designated area. 

Handling Excitable or Fearful Puppies 

Excitable or fearful puppies may have additional challenges in potty training. Stay patient and provide a calm and supportive environment. Building their confidence through positive reinforcement will help them feel more comfortable during the training process. 
Potty training is a process that requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Shower your puppy with love, praise, and rewards for their efforts and accomplishments. Enjoy the process, cherish the moments, and witness the transformation of your adorable bundle of joy into a well-mannered, housebroken companion. 



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